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» » Mothertongue - Where The Moonlight Snows (2018)

Mothertongue - Where The Moonlight Snows (2018)

Mothertongue - Where The Moonlight Snows (2018)

Исполнитель: Mothertongue
Альбом: Where The Moonlight Snows
Год выпуска: 2018
Жанр: Progressive Rock / Pop Rock
Страна: UK
Формат: mp3, CBR 320 kbps
Размер: 133 Mb
Залито: Cloud, Turbobit

01. Blue, Wicked Heart
02. The Creature Tree
03. Mal De Mer
04. Panic Rock
05. Ofelia
06. Sunset Rose
07. Shipwreck Song
08. It's Getting Weird
09. The Bullet
10. The Isle of Not Quite Right
11. Earthbound
12. Whatever Waves

Line Up:
Phil Dixon - Guitars, Vocals
Will Holden - Bass, Vocals
Andy Malbon - Trumpet, Cornet
Filip Pardej - Drums
Louis Smith - Vocals, Guitars
Mark Wall - Guitars

Additional musicians:
Daniel Zambas - piano on 5 & 6, Seqential Propheteering on 10
Ramsey Janini - flute on 8 & 11

Скачать Mothertongue - Where The Moonlight Snows (2018)

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