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» » Anima Morte - Upon Darkened Stains (2014) (LOSSLESS)

Anima Morte - Upon Darkened Stains (2014) (LOSSLESS)

Anima Morte - Upon Darkened Stains (2014) (LOSSLESS)

Artist: Anima Morte
Country: Sweden
Album: Upon Darkened Stains (CD)
Genre: Symphonic Prog
Publisher: Transubstans (TRANS132)
Quality: FLAC (image. cue. log. full scans)
Total size: 392.54 Mb
File sharing: X-files/Gigapeta

1. Blessing Of The Dead 3'31
2. Illusion Is The Catalyst 7'02
3. Ephemeris 4'26
4. Fear Will Pass Over Your Mind 4'45
5. Wakeless 5'40
6. Interruption 3'44
7. The Darkest Pattern 5'11
8. The Carrion Crow 5'27
9. Echoing The Red 5'19
10. Isomorphia 4'59
11. First Snow On The Last Ashes 3'48
12. Halls Of Death 7'03

Matrix/runout: www.transubstans.com


Gigapeta FLAC
Password: maratrat

1h 00m 53s
13:16 26.06.2023



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