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» » Billy Preston - In Central Park (1973)

Billy Preston - In Central Park (1973)

Billy Preston - In Central Park (1973)

Artist: Billy Preston
Country :USA
Album:In Central Park
Year of release:1973
Format:MP3 320 kbps


1. Them Changes
2. Hey Joe
3. The Bus
4. Summertime
5. Medley
6. Should've Known Better
7. I Wrote A Simple Song
8. Outa Space
9. That's The Way God Planned It
10. My Sweet Lord
11. Thank You

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supermouper 17 November 2010 17:24
Billy Preston ,Только тема Medley
остаётся... концертник, да и чёто
не очень по вкусу...
админ лох


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