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» » Therapy? - A Brief Crack of Light (2012)

Therapy? - A Brief Crack of Light (2012)

Therapy? - A Brief Crack of Light (2012)

Artist: Therapy?
Album: A Brief Crack of Light
Genre: Alternative rock
Year of release: 2012
Format: MP3 CBR 320 Kbps
Size: 95Мб.
Uploaded to: Ifolder
Country: Northern Ireland

01. Living in the Shadow of the Terrible Thing
02. Plague Bell
03. Marlow
04. Before You, With You, After You
05. The Buzzing
06. Get Your Dead Hand off My Shoulder
07. Ghost Trio
08. Why Turbulence?
09. Stark Raving Sane
10. Ecclesiastes


Edited news bondov - 24-10-2013, 14:21
Reason: re-post


Whiplash2 25 February 2012 18:42
ну когда же качество с CD, устал ждать
Whiplash2 19 February 2012 16:29
интересно, а когда будет не промо версия, в качестве?
amidas74 28 January 2012 20:21
Обожаю их !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HMR - forever !!!


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