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» » Brent Johnson - Set The World On Fire 2014

Brent Johnson - Set The World On Fire 2014

Brent Johnson - Set The World On Fire 2014

Artist: Brent Johnson
Country: USA
Album: Set The World On Fire
Genre: Blues Rock
Year of release: 2014
Format: MP3 CBR 320 kbps
Size: 146.7 Mb


1. Brent Johnson - Don't Make A Sound (4:41)
2. Brent Johnson - Meet Me In The Morning (6:24)
3. Brent Johnson - The Ticket (5:16)
4. Brent Johnson - Don't Take It With You (4:02)
5. Brent Johnson - So Glad You're Mine (4:53)
6. Brent Johnson - Long Way Back To New Orleans (3:52)
7. Brent Johnson - Glass Ceiling (4:27)
8. Brent Johnson - Meet Me In The Bottom (4:32)
9. Brent Johnson - As The Years Go Passing By (13:14)
10. Brent Johnson - The Hucklebuck (6:26)
11. Brent Johnson - Set The World On Fire (5:47)

Password: batzbatz.com



Alexach 28 April 2014 17:52
Цитата: karuzo
Нормальный белый блюз.
Это точно! Приятно было послушать. Автору - thank_you
Oleg-Rock 26 April 2014 21:52
заценим, спасибо.
karuzo 26 April 2014 20:42
Нормальный белый блюз.Спасибо.


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