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» » Deadlands - Faceless Angel 2014

Deadlands - Faceless Angel 2014

Deadlands - Faceless Angel 2014

Artist: Deadlands
Country: USA
Album: Faceless Angel
Genre: Blues Rock
Year of release: 2014
Format: MP3 CBR 320 kbps
Size: 80.6 Mb


1. Deadlands - Before You Were Born (2:37)
2. Deadlands - Bottom Feeders (3:20)
3. Deadlands - Libby Prison Blues (3:00)
4. Deadlands - (I'm) Sinking In (3:05)
5. Deadlands - Discotex (2:43)
6. Deadlands - Fink (3:34)
7. Deadlands - Cracks (3:20)
8. Deadlands - Down For The Count (2:57)
9. Deadlands - Sleeper In A Dream (2:42)
10. Deadlands - Cold Cold Cold (7:18)

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