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» » Cousin Jake - Rock And Roll That Relates 2003

Cousin Jake - Rock And Roll That Relates 2003

Cousin Jake -  Rock And Roll That Relates 2003

Artist: Cousin Jake
Album: Rock And Roll That Relates
Year: 2003
Style: Hard Blues/Boogie
Bitrate: mp3, 256 kbps
Size: 65 MB

РЕКОМЕНДУЮ!!! Отдаленно напоминает ZZ TOP.


1. Travilin' Band
2. Lost & Found
3. All Night Long
4. Waiting All Day
5. Rude Attitude
6. Creeper
7. Back In Order
8. Keep The Change
9. Wrecking Yard
10. Gambling Fool
11. Nuclear Blues

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Brasileiro 22 January 2012 23:52
Жаль, что удалили...
father53 21 March 2009 16:55
thank s
Trixter 20 March 2009 18:39
Заманчиво, послушаем!!! fellow Спасибо!
sheva 20 March 2009 12:59
rockhard 20 March 2009 12:18
Хоршая музыка...
voron55555 20 March 2009 10:15
kilgor 20 March 2009 10:06


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