Title: Lamentations - Live At Shepherd's Bush Empire
Artist: Opeth
Style: Progressive Death Metal, Doom Metal
Country: Швеция
Year of release: 2003
Format: MP3, CBR 320 кбит/с
Size: 131 + 147 Мб
Звук с одноименного DVD
01. Windowpane
02. In My Time of Need
03. Death Whispered a Lullaby
04. Closure
05. Hope Leaves
06. To Rid the Disease
07. Ending Credits
08. Harvest
09. Weakness
10. Master's Apprentices
11. The Drapery Falls
12. Deliverance
13. The Leper Affinity
14. A Fair Judgement
Mikael Akerfeldt - Vocals/Guitar
Peter Lindgren - Guitar
Martin Mendez - Bass
Martin Lopez - Drums
Per Wiberg - Keyboards
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