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» » Manilla Road - Spiral Castle 2002 (Lossless)

Manilla Road - Spiral Castle 2002 (Lossless)

Manilla Road - Spiral Castle 2002 (Lossless)

Artist: Manilla Road
Album: Spiral Castle
Year of release: 2002
Country: United States
Genre: Epic Heavy Metal/Thrash Metal
Quality: Lossless: Ape+Cue+Log
Size: 344MB (COVERS)


1. Gateway to the Sphere 02:30
2. Spiral Castle 08:26
3. Shadow 04:24
4. Seven Trumpets 05:19
5. Merchants of Death 10:53
6. Born upon the Soul 07:17
7. Sands of Time 07:40
Total Time: 46:29

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bolt1 26 January 2010 21:23
Manilla Road - мои любимые, а Spiral Castle одна из любимейших песен


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