Artist: Revoltons
Country: Italy
Album: Underwater Bells Pt. 2 October 9th 1963 Act. 1 (CD)
Genre: Power Metal, Thrash
Publisher: Sleaszy Rider Records (SR-0233)
Quality: FLAC (image. cue. log. cd scans)
Total Size: 376.28 Mb
File Sharing: X-files/Gigapeta
1. Danger Silence Control 4'37
2. The Stars Of The Night Before 4'07
3. Slowmotion Apocalypse 0'49
4. Mary And The Children 4'02
5. October 9th 1963 4'45
6. Erase! New Earth Lord! 4'39
7. Hypnos And Thanatos 3'32
8. Primal Shock 2'36
9. The Powerless Wrath 4'44
10. Criminal Organism 3'39
11. Grandmasters Of Death 10'11
12. Through The Years 3'49
Matrix/runout: 0709750701 8MERCH.COM
Gigapeta FLAC
Password: maratrat
18:23 17.11.2023
Edited news whirlwind - 17-11-2023, 17:03