Artist: Klaus Schulze
Country: Германия
Year of release: 1996-1997
Genre: Electronic, Дискографии
Format: mp3
Quality: 192 kbps
Количество альбомов: 6
Size: 682 MB
1. Klaus Schulze - Are You Sequenced (1996)
1. Welcome To The Moog Brothers
2. Vocs In The Dark I
3. Vocs In The Dark II
4. No Frets - No Bass
5. Valle de la Luna
6. Are You Sequenced
7. Moogy Baby Goes Solo
8. Moldanya
9. Vidanya
10. The Wizard Of Doz
11. Are We Getting Lost
12. SQ1 (Essentials)
13. Voices In The Dark (Lite Mix)
14. SQ2 (Extended Mix)
15. Flutish Baby (Humate Mix)
16. SQ3 (Subsonic Affair Mix)
17. Voices In The Dark II (Chill Mix)
18. SQ4 (Short Cut)
2. Klaus Schulze - Dosburg Online (1997)
1. L'age c'ore
2. Requiem furs Revier
3. Groove 'n' Bass
4. Get Sequenced
5. The Power of Moog
6. Up, up and away
7. From Dawn 'till Dusk
8. The Art of Sequencing
9. Prima Vera
3. Klaus Schulze & Pete Namlook - The Dark Side Of The Moog 4 (Three Pipers...) (1996)
1. 01
2. 02
3. 03
4. 04
5. 05
6. 06
7. 07
8. 08
9. 09
4. Klaus Schulze & Pete Namlook - The Dark Side Of The Moog 5 (Psychedelic Brunch) (1996)
1. 01
2. 02
3. 03
4. 04
5. 05
6. 06
7. 07
8. 08
5. Richard Wahnfried - Drums'n'Balls (1996)
1. Drum'n'Balls
2. Percussy
3. House of India
4. Bass of Orion
6. Richard Wahnfried - Trance Appeal (1996)
1. Suspense
2. Bizarre
3. Rubbish
4. Angel Heart
5. So What
6. Towarisch
7. Das Maedchen mag es
8. A Chilly Fiesta
9. Esprit sans Frontieres
10. Psychedelic Clubbing
11. Le Sleep Des Animaux