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» » ARCHITECTURAL METAPHOR - Odysseum Galacti 1994

ARCHITECTURAL METAPHOR - Odysseum Galacti 1994

ARCHITECTURAL METAPHOR - Odysseum Galacti 1994
Artist: Architectural Metaphor
Country: USA
Album: Odysseum Galacti
Genre: Space Rock/Psychodelic
Year of release: 1994
Format: MP3 CBR 192 kbs
Size: 86.4 МБ (+3% на восст.)


1. Waterwheel (9:11)
2. Sonic Attack (7:06)
3. Cascading Foliage (6:10)
4. Odysseum Galacti (6:11)
5. Anu (8:40)
6. We've Come for Your Children (7:06)
7. In Between Dunes (9:52)
8. Brainticket (7:38)

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soci0path 3 February 2015 06:39
If it's not too much to ask ; can you please re-Upload this release?! Many positive reviews recommending it, so it'll be great to try it. Thank you for sharing it once anyway.
Deep into Music & C21H30O2
diana oficerova 9 August 2010 00:56
Spasibo! fellow
PingWinAM 8 June 2010 05:38
Thanks! wink
baltefan 6 May 2010 20:26


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