Artist: Marge Lith
Country: Japan
Album: Fantasien 2
Genre: Symphonic Prog Metal
Year of release: 1998
Format: MP3 CBR 320 Kbps
Size: 151 MB (+3% на восст.)
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Заново записанный дебютный альбом Fantasien 1991г. В лучших традициях стиля. Вокал женский, на родном языке.
1. Starting for Adventure (5:52)
2. Desire for Wealth (7:18)
3. Dealing with the Witch (9:04)
4. Perfect Regulated City (8:41)
5. Cruel Alternative (9:35)
6. The Sacred War (11:56)
7. Fantasien (12:07)
Total Time: 64:33
- Junko Sera / vocals
- Yoshiteru Yokoyama / guitars, backing vocals
- Masahiro Takeuchi / keyboards
- Munehisa Jimbo / bass
- Tetsuro Nagakura / drums, backing vocals
- "Itabashi" chorus group / backing vocals etc.
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Edited news vl-rom - 18-06-2016, 18:27
Reason: re-post (veushka)