Artist: Don Caballero
Album: For Respect
Year of release: 1993
Country: USA
Колличество дорожек: 11
Общее время звучания: 37:45 min
Genre: Math Rock / Progressive Rock
Format: MP3, 320 kb
Size файла: 82.8 mb
Залит на:
1. For Respect. 2:43
2. Chief Sitting Duck. 2:21
3. New Laws. 5:54
4. Nicked And Liqued. 2:41
5. Rocco. 2:47
6. Subdued Confections. 2:29
7. Got A Mile, Got A Mile, Got An Inch. 5:06
8. Our Caballero. 2:07
9. Bears See Things Pretty Much The Way They Are. 3:26
10. Well Built Road. 6:05
11. Belted Sweater. 2:06
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