Artist: Seven That Spells
Country: Croatia
Album: My Mommy Wants To Kill Your Mamma
Genre: Psychedelic/Space Rock
Year of release: 2005
Format: MP3 256kbit
Size: 100МБ(+3% на восстановление)
Release contains:
Stjepan Jureković - drums
Tomislav Kalousek - bass
Niko Potočnjak - guitar
Hrvoje Niksić - Synth
1. My Mommy Wants To Kiss Your Mamma
2. Space Cake Overload
3. Inhale Me / The Pink Garden Of Mistery
4. Bliss My Cosmic Peach
5. Merry Mary's Sweet Inferno
6. Black Liquorice / Tragic Boredom Of The Universe
7. Naked Harem Flashback
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Edited news bondov - 14-05-2012, 11:13
Reason: re-post