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» » Zauber - Il Sogno 1978

Zauber - Il Sogno 1978

Zauber - Il Sogno 1978

[b]Artist:[/b] Zauber
[b]Country:[/b] Italy
[b]Album:[/b] Il Sogno
[b]Genre:[/b] Progressive Rock
[b]Year of release:[/b] 1978
[b]Format:[/b] mp3
[b]Bitrate:[/b] CBR 320 kbps
[b]Size:[/b] 105 Mb (+3% на восст.)

[b]Tracklist :[/b]

01. Valzer su Bach (3:49)
02. Liliana (3:02)
03. Canzone per un'amica (3:46)
04. Glockenturn (3:26)
05. Dietro la collina (6:42)
06. Riflessioni (3:22)
07. Spleen (5:59)
08. Id (3:25)
09. Deimos (5:10)
10. Il sogno (2:26)

[b]Download | Скачать:


DDH57 10 June 2012 10:18
Could You re-upload this album? And the other Zauber albums too! Thank You in advance!


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