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» » Thinking Plague - Upom Both your Houses (2004)

Thinking Plague - Upom Both your Houses (2004)

Thinking Plague - Upom Both your Houses (2004)

Artist: Thinking Plague
Album: Upom Both your Houses
Year of release: 2004
Country: USA
Колличество дорожек: 12
Общее время звучания: 72:12 min
Genre: RIO / Avant-Prog
Format: MP3 / CBR, 320 kbps
Size файла: 167 mb
Источник: monju35
Залит на: Narod.ru

1. Dead Silence. 4:44
2. Lycanthrope. 8:30
3. Maelstrom. 4:42
4. Love. 6:59
5. The Aesthete. 4:58
6. Excerpt From Moonsongs. 3:52
7. Hamster Dance. 4:22
8. Piano Solo. 4:43
9. Kingdom Come. 13:28
10. Malaise. 4:40
11. Behold The Man. 4:27
12. Warheads. 6:46

Mike Johnson: guitars
David Kerman: drums, ustensils, whistle, duct tape, Barbie dolls
Mark Harris: saxophones, reeds
Deborah Perry: vocals
Matt Mitchell: piano, keyboards
Dave Willey: bass, accordions

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