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» » Dave Willey - Songs from the Hamster Theatre (1995) LOSSLESS

Dave Willey - Songs from the Hamster Theatre (1995) LOSSLESS

Dave Willey - Songs from the Hamster Theatre (1995) LOSSLESS

Artist: Dave Willey
Album: Songs from the Hamster Theatre
Year of release: 1995
Country: USA
Колличество дорожек: 12
Общее время звучания: 38:02 min
Genre: RIO / Avant-Prog
Format: Lossless / WavPack (*.wv)
Size файла: 197 mb
Источник: tatuk
Залит на: Narod.ru

Фанатам группы "Hamster Theatre" посвящается!

1. Nursery Rhyme
2. At the Pencil Factory
3. Pookypoo
4. Bean Dance
5. Litost
6. Home
7. Love Theme from Wackerhaus
8. Hamster Dance
9. The Cricetus Lilt
10. Out of Harm's Way
11. Ships of Skin
12. Ester

Dave Willey on guitar, keyboards and melodeon,
Jon Stubbs on bass,
Greg LaLiberte on saxophones and flute,
Deborah Perry on keyboards and performing the vocals,
Steve Doyle on guitar,
Josh Wright on drums.

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