Artist: Azigza Album: Kriya Year of release: 2003 Country: USA Лейб: Lionharp Колличество дорожек: 11 Общее время звучания: 67:34 min Genre: Progressive Rock / Eclectic Prog / Ethnic / World Format: MP3 / CBR, 320 kbps Size файла: 134 mb Залит на:
Я уже как то лил эту симпопульную команду - то была их дебютная работа, года два у меня ушло чтобы найти второй их и пока последний альбом в приемлемом каКчестве! В отличае от дебюта эта работа отличается явным уходом группы в етнику - много добавленно различного фольклера и даже основная вокалистка, что пела на протяжении всего первого альбома ушла в тень, хотя встречаются вещи в альбоме напоминающие начальную Azigz-у. В целом по мне так альбом просто в радость - спешу поделиться други мои! PS. Я тут на всякий случай ревью и биографию на страничку прикрепил, правда на басурманском, но кто его знает, вдруг кому нибудь не в лом перевести хотябы через гугл и прочитать - мне кажется будет интересно!
Azigza biography: AZIGZA's debut is an outstanding blend of truly progressive music... Combining Middle Eastern, Arabic, Indian, African, as well as hints of Celtic and Native American influences with traditional rock. They play all sorts of instruments: guitars, harp, electric violin and percussion instruments into a stirring whole... Very good sense of dynamics and lots of compositional interest. They are an excellent band mixing a powerful percussive and hypnotic music.. Musically ... a cross between Daevid Allen era GONG, CURVED AIR and DEAD CAN DANCE. I will say that they were in a word: AMAZING!!!
Review by Mellotron Storm ( I first heard this band on the ProgDay 2001 double disc i have and i was really surprised at how incredible these guys sounded.They are from San Fransisco,California and have a strong world music flavour which is why i was surprised that i liked it so much.There are instruments used that i haven't even heard of before, but this still has that rock element,in fact these guys can bring it when they want to and that's what i love about them. KING CRIMSON has to be an influence when you here them let loose at times. So they're a four piece with lots of guests.This is very intricate sounding with some killer in your face bass.Everything is done so well. "Ogun" opens with atmosphere as a stringed instrument comes in. It's building as the drums join in then male vocals. Love the guitar and chunky bass here.The percussion is excellent too.Everything is so intricate. "Medicine" is an incredible track.It's spacey with male vocals that almost mumble along with female vocals melodies.The atmosphere and stringed instruments with the vocals are all so beautiful.It blends into "Wheel Of Bembe" then it becomes fuller sounding. Male vocals after a minute. Lots of drums and percussion here.Violin after 1 1/2 minutes then it stops after 4 minutes as they noodle about. "Yaman" has these flute-like sounds then violin after a minute. It's building before 2 minutes then it settles back. Female vocals follow then the violin comes to the fore when the vocals stop. It picks up before 6 1/2 minutes with vocal melodies and an intense sound of guitar and drums.Huge bass lines too. "Orphans Of Agadir" is an instrumental that has an interesting rhythm to it. "The Wall" has some Fripp-like guitar to open as the drums pound.Violin kicks in too.Cool track. "The Reminder" is one of my favourites. It has a similar sounding guitar and sound as the previous track except it becomes more powerful and intense. Incredible ! "Amalgram" is also a top tune for me.You can hear someone speaking to a crowd then sirens come in and other sounds.Percussion builds then other instruments join in followed by female vocal melodies.Great sound here ! Spoken female vocals come in.So freaking cool ! "A Bulgarian Suite" is led by the violin quickly as the bass and drums support.This is so impressive.The interplay is mind boggling. "Shiva Calling" is very Eastern sounding. Male vocals 2 1/2 minutes in and female vocals follow. "X-Resolutions" has a KING CRIMSON vibe to it. Female vocals a minute in. Love the guitar after 4 minutes.Vocal melodies after 6 minutes.She's screaming out before 8 minutes.Amazing ! A change after 9 minutes with samples then it turns intense with sirens and more. A traditional Indian vibe takes over to end it as it calms right down. This must be heard to be believed.With music like this AZIGZA should be much more popular than they are. Very close to 4.5 stars for this gem.
Tracks: 1. Bembe': Ogun. 6:04 2. Bembe': Medicine. 3:02 3. Bembe': Wheel of Bembe'. 4:57 4. Yaman. 9:32 5. Agadir: Orphans of Agadir. 3:28 6. Agadir: The Wall. 3:02 7. Agadir: The Reminder. 2:52 8. Amalgam. 5:31 9. A Bulgarian Suite. 7:40 10. Shiva Calling. 8:42 11. X: Resolutions. 12:46
Musicians: Stephan Junca: djembe, djun-djun, ganza, gankoqui, drums, gong, chimes, udu,rainstick, def , tom, shakers, zils, spring drum, tar, Tibetan bells, congas, bongos, block, questionable antics, Aryeh Frankfurter: 12-string electric guitar, acoustic guitar, electric and acoustic violins, harp, flute, cello, viola, cittern; Kevin Evans: electric and acoustic guitars, soundscapes, slide guitar synth; Pierce McDowell: fretted and fretless bass, sitar, tamboura;