Artist: Malibran
Country: Italy
Album: La citta sul lago
Genre: Progressive Rock
Year of release: 1998
Format: mp3 cbr 320
Size: 160 mB
Файлобменник: Cloud.mail
1. Distanz (2:06)
2. Nuovo Regno (9:35)
3. La Città sul Lago (10:00)
4. In the Time, part 1 & part 2 (9:13)
5. Magica Attesa (5:27)
6. La Stagione del Re (5:15)
7. Nuvole di Vetro, part 1 & part 2 (10:49)
8. Interludio (1:12)
9. On the Lightwaves (12:33)
10. Richiami (2:18)
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