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» » Outroduction - Cubique à Face Centr​é​e (2023)

Outroduction - Cubique à Face Centr​é​e (2023)

Outroduction - Cubique à Face Centr​é​e (2023)

Artist: Outroduction
Album: Cubique a Face Centree
Year of release: 2023
Genre: Progressive Rock / Eclectic Prog
Country: France
Format: mp3, CBR 320 kbps
Size: 106 Mb
Uploaded to: Cloud, Turbobit


01. Wapiti (05:38)
02. The Game (08:51)
03. 8KKM (07:48)
04. Les Aunais, Pt. 2 (07:32)
05. Les Aunais, Pt. 2 (14:22)

Line Up:
Maxime Bourry: Drums, Percussion
Celestin Herault: Bass, Vocals, Violin
Felicien Herault: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Vocals.
Augustin Ledanseur: Keyboard, Guitar, Vocals

Violette Herault: Vocals (3)
Killian Le Quere: Guitar (4, 5)
Thibaud Moun: Guitar (4, 5)
Mateo Judged: Bass (4, 5)
Tristan Gaudin: Cowbell (4, 5)
Sebastien Hieu: Drums (4, 5)
Etienne Remy: Classical Guitar (4, 5)
Chloe Panhaleux: Voice (4, 5)
Flavien Gouault: Voice (4, 5)

Download Outroduction - Cubique a Face Centree (2023)



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