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» » The Motels - The Motels (1979)

The Motels - The Motels (1979)

The Motels - The Motels (1979)

Artist: The Motels
Country: USA
Album: The Motels
Year of release: 1979
Time: 38:33
Style: New Wave, Pop-Rock
Format: mp3 СBR 320 kbps
Size: 89,5 МБ(+3%)


1. Anticipating
2. Kix
3. Total Control
4. Love Don't Help
5. Closets and Bullets
6. Atomic Cafe
7. Celia
8. Porn Reggae
9. Dressing Up
10. Counting

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Avgo Dima 24 July 2010 23:23
Спасибо !


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