Artist: The Niro
Country: Italy
Title: 1969
Year of release: 2014
Genre: Pop/Rock, Indie
Quality: MP3 CBR 320 Kbit/Sec
Size: 90 Mb
Файлобменник: Cloud.mail
01. L'evoluzione Della Specie (3:23)
02. 1969 (2:57)
03. Ruggine (3:44)
04. Qualcosa Restera (3:43)
05. Non Riesco A Muovermi (2:51)
06. Ormai (1:43)
07. Vanita (3:48)
08. Pindaro (3:28)
09. Colpa Mia (3:28)
10. Newton (4:00)
11. Eroe (3:16)
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Edited news luki - 29-08-2016, 22:25
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