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» » The Rascals - Peaceful World 1971

The Rascals - Peaceful World 1971

The Rascals - Peaceful World 1971

Artist : The Rascals
Country : USA
Album : Peaceful World
Year of release : 1971
Format : 256 kbs
Size : 139 Мб (включая 3% на восстановление)
Размещено : Narod.ru

The Rascals came together in 1964 after Cavaliere, Brigati, and Cornish left Dee and formed a quartet with Danelli. In February 1965 they began gigging in New Jersey and on Long Island. By year's end they had changed their name to the Young Rascals (after The Little Rascals).
The Rascals - Peaceful World 1971

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Felix Cavaliere (b. Nov. 29, 1944, Pelham, New York), vocals, keyboards, music
Eddie Brigati (b. Oct. 22, 1945, Garfield, New Jersey), vocals, percussion, lyrics
Gene Cornish (b. May 14, 1945, Ottawa, Canada), guitar
Dino Danelli (b. July 23, 1945, New York City), drums

1. Sky Trane
2. In And Out Of Love
3. Bit Of Heaven
4. Love Me
5. Mother Nature Land
6. Icy Water
7. Happy Song
8. Love Letter
9. Little Dove
10. Visit To Mother Nature Land
11. Getting Nearer
12. Peaceful World

Приятного прослушивания !

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frame1324 7 June 2009 06:59
Спасибо Похоже на Chicago, но больше джаза, а местами звучит как Grateful Dead Хорошо передает атмосферу этого далекого 71 года..
avgodima 7 June 2009 01:02
Желательно найти немного более ранние альбомы . Бывали в чартах №1 даже .
Avgo Dima


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