Artist: Ghost & Writer
Album: Red Flags
Year of release: 2013
Genre: Synth Pop
Количество композиций: 16
Duration звучания: 74 min
Format | Quality: mp3 | VBR V0 kbps
Size: 151 mb
01. Gambit
02. Hurricane
03. Shine
04. Never Take Fire
05. Just The Same
06. Beyond Repair
07. Demons Crawl
08. (Do I Have) Your Word
09. Gambit (Akanoid Remix)
10. Hurricane (Splitter Remix)
11. Shine (Acretongue Remix)
12. Never Take Fire (Secret Remix)
13. Just The Same (Iris Remix)
14. Beyond Repair (Diskonnekted Remix)
15. Demons Crawl (Dead When I Found Her Remix)
16. (Do I Have) Your Word (Titanic Moon Remix)
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