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» » The Apocryphal Order - The Apocryphal Order (EP) (2011)

The Apocryphal Order - The Apocryphal Order (EP) (2011)

The Apocryphal Order - The Apocryphal Order (EP) (2011)

Album: The Apocryphal Order
Artist: The Apocryphal Order
Genre: Technical/Progressive Death/Thrash Metal
Release date: 08.04.2011
Country: Faroe Islands
Tracks: 4
Playtime: 26:37
Avg. Bitrate: VBR235 kb/sec
Size: 48 Mb

1.Beyond The Depraved Scope Of Salvation
2.Deteriorate To Gain
3.Blood Shall Be Raining
4.Through My Eyes


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