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» » Majestic Downfall / The Slow Death - S/T [Split] 2014

Majestic Downfall / The Slow Death - S/T [Split] 2014

Majestic Downfall / The Slow Death - S/T [Split] 2014

Bands: Majestic Downfall / The Slow Death
Album: Majestic Downfall / The Slow Death
Year: 2014
Genre: Atmospheric Doom Death Metal
Origin: Mexico / Australia
Format: mp3 320kbps
TT: 01:07:00
Size: 155,96Mb

Majestic Downfall
1.The Dark Lullaby [12:59]
2. Renata [12:15]
3. Obsidian [10:10]
The Slow Death
1. Criticality Incident I [10:47]
2. Criticality Incident II [11:52]
3. People Like Me [08:57]


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