Исполнитель | Artist: Bon Jovi
Страна | Country: USA
Альбом | Album: Access All Areas
Год | Year: 2010
Жанр | Genre: Hard Rock
Формат | Format: FLAC (tracks | cue)
Битрейт | BitRate: lossless
Размер | Size: 5.9 GB
Выражаем благодарность | Many thanks to the : mgubarenko
Depositfiles(3% восстановление)
1984 - Bon Jovi UICY-94546 (Limited Edition #1910)
1. "Runaway"
2. "Roulette"
3. "She Don't Know Me"
4. "Shot Through the Heart"
5. "Love Lies"
6. "Breakout"
7. "Burning for Love"
8. "Come Back"
9. "Get Ready"
10. "Runaway (Live)"
11. "Roulette (Live)"
12. "Breakout (Live)"
13. "Get Ready (Live)"
1985 - 7800° Fahrenheit UICY-94547 (Limited Edition #0933)
1. "In and Out of Love"
2. "The Price of Love"
3. "Only Lonely"
4. "King of the Mountain"
5. "Silent Night"
6. "Tokyo Road"
7. "The Hardest Part Is the Night"
8. "Always Run to You"
9. "(I Don't Wanna Fall)To the Fire"
10. "Secret Dreams"
11. "In And Out Of Love (Live)"
12. "Only Lonely (Live)"
13. "Tokyo Road (Live)"
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