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» » The Soda Shop-The Soda Shop Comp. Volume 2(2011)

The Soda Shop-The Soda Shop Comp. Volume 2(2011)

The Soda Shop-The Soda Shop Comp. Volume 2(2011)

Исполнитель:The Soda Shop
Альбом: The Soda Shop Comp. Volume 2
Жанр: Hard Rock/Stoner
Год: 2011
Формат: mp3 CBR 320
Размер: 155 mb
Файлообменник: depositfiles unibytes gigabase share4web
Страна: :USA



1.Spiderlord - Ungrounded 09:19

2.Bacchus Baracus - Rock N'Roll Man 04:13

3.Valley of the Sun - Deep Light Burns 03:15

4.Desert Storm - Cosmic Drips 03:52

5.Domes of Silence - Temple of the Wasp 03:22

6.Naughty Mouse - The Eternal Dead Of My Soul 03:41

7.Threefold Law - Earth 08:27

8.Monstertone - Monstertone 03:25

9.Switchblade Jesus - Negative Planet 11 03:38

10.Odyssey 9 - Glow 06:33

11.Elvis Deluxe - Fire (Loveboy) 05:11

12.Borracho - Plunge/Return 11:34

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