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» » The Glenn Miller Orchestra - The Legend Lives On (1993)

The Glenn Miller Orchestra - The Legend Lives On (1993)

The Glenn Miller Orchestra - The Legend Lives On (1993)

Исполнитель: The Glenn Miller Orchestra
Диск: The Legend Lives On
Стиль: jazz
Год: 1993
Кол-во композиций: 7
Размер: 97mb, 347mb
Формат файлов: mp3 VBR, FLAC
Залито на: ifolder,depositfiles.com


01. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Moonlight serenade
02. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Bells of St. Mary’s
03. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - On a little street in Singapore
04. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - My guy’s come back
05. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - String of pearls
06. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - My prayer
07. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Pennsylvania 6-5000
08. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Moonglow
09. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Slaughter on 10th Avenue
10. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - American patrol
11. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Sentimental journey
12. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Little brown jug
13. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Elmer’s tune
14. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Hallelujah
15. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Begin the Beguine
16. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Flag waver
17. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Rollin’ home
18. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - In the mood
19. The Glenn Miller Orchestra - Moonlight serenade

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password: jazz.jazz

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