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» » Scotty Dunbar - In A Mellow Mood 2012

Scotty Dunbar - In A Mellow Mood 2012

Scotty Dunbar - In A Mellow Mood 2012

Исполнитель: Scotty Dunbar
Альбом: In A Mellow Mood
Жанр: Pop Rock / Melodic
Год: 2012
Формат: mp3 CBR 320
Размер: 52.6 mb
Файлообменник: depositfiles. rapidgator. turbobit
Страна: USA
Релиз: aorheart / Plotn08

01. Tears In The City
02. Memories Never Fade
03. Something So Wrong
04. Pillar Of Strength
05. Landslide
06. Tears In The City (Instrumental)

Line up:
Michael Sweet of Stryper - (lead guitar solo on "Memories Never Fade")
Louis St. August of MASS - (duet on "Pillar of Strength")
AMJ - (duet on "Tears In The City & "Something So Wrong")
Jeremy Heussi of MASS & Fortune - (All piano, keys & orchestration)
Jonathan Roketenetz - (acoustic guitar)

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