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» » Nawang Khechog & Peter Kater - The Dance Of Innocents (2009) (LOSSLESS)

Nawang Khechog & Peter Kater - The Dance Of Innocents (2009) (LOSSLESS)

Nawang Khechog & Peter Kater - The Dance Of Innocents (2009) (LOSSLESS)

Artist: Nawang Khechog & Peter Kater
Album: The Dance Of Innocents
Label: Sounds True
Genre: New Age, Meditative
Year: 2009
Quality: WavPack (image+.cue) + log
Size: 242 Mb


1. A Fresh Wind [10:08]
2. Touch of an Angel [12:07]
3. Call of Compassion [10:60]
4. Prayer for the Millennium [6:16]
5. In a Peacefull Valley [8:18]
6. Ocean of Long Life [5:04]
7. Dance of Innocents [7:08]


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