Year: June 1970 (CD 2007)
Label: Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Europe), 82876872932
Style: Jazz Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Progressive RockCountry: Canterbury, England
Time: 75:21, 38:58
Format: Flac Tracks 16/44,1 kHz
Size: 402, 222 Mb
Этот замечательный во всех отношениях альбом представляет собой идеальную смесь между психоделическим и прогрессивным джаз-роком. Отличная демонстрация текстуры, композиции и превосходной музыкальности, обеспечивающая множество настроений одновременно.
"Third" - это эпический альбом с четырьмя треками (по одному на каждую сторону двух пластинок) продолжительностью 18 минут или более каждый, в основном, инструментальными. Есть огромные массивы инструментов, используемых на " Third ", в диапазоне от самой низкой флейты до саксофонов и гитар. Самые заметным инструментом на протяжении всего альбома является саксофон, но он никоим образом не подавляет остальные. Есть, например, много этого сумасшедшего кентерберийского органного звука.
Я могу представить выражение лица некоторых старых поклонников Soft Machine, когда они получили этот двойной альбом в 1970 году. Существует немного групп, которые так резко меняли свое звучание с одного альбома на другой. Были веселые глупости с "дикой" психоделией и странными текстами, а стала очень серьезная джаз / рок / авангардистская группа с очень длинными бескомпромиссными структурированными сюитами.
01. "Facelift" (автор Хью Хоппер). Эпический альбом начинается с залпа странных и, казалось бы, случайных звуков. Примерно через пять минут, однако, эти звуки превращаются во что-то совершенно другое, полное элементов джаза и звуков духовых инструментов. Барабанный бой Роберта Уайетта слегка приглушен и сдержан, однако, на мой взгляд, очень хорош. Бас Хью Хоппера замыкается на "фанковый" грув для большей части произведения и толкает музыку вперед.
02. "Slightly All the Time" (автор Майк Рэтлидж) анонсирует будущие альбомы Soft Machine ("Fourth" - 1971 и "Five"- 1972 ). Трек в значительной степени основан на джазе с большой долей импровизации на саксофоне Элтона Дина, плюс отличная работа барабанов и баса. Композиция развивается очень постепенно, от красивых мелодий и лирического настроения к более жёсткому звуку. Определенно, удивительный трек.
(полная версия:
Man, this is a unique jazz gem yet to be heard by most jazz fans. Ok, probably most wouldn't dig it, but who cares? The Soft Machine's third release is one of a kind in the entire world, released in a time where 'jazz fusion' was at its early stage, this band seemed to be ahead of most contemporary jazz rockers. Surely Miles Davis was jealous of what this band made contemporary to the man's jazz rock experiments.
At times so fine and British-jazzy, at others so chaotic, sometimes dreamy as a German electronic band, yes, this is freaky jazz (rock?). Before I enter in details, I'd like to state that the overall production is rather weak but being 1970 not many had great productions either, so take that in mind. However, after all, this is majestic twisted jazz, who needs great production anyway? Ok, Miles Davis needed one.
First composition, 'Facelift', is the one that is most inclined towards free jazz and avant-garde out of the four big compositions. It has a lot of dissonancy and experimental bits, though with repeated listens you will get the whole thing better, but I got to admit that I usually skip this. Probably the only composition of the album that seems to be affected by the raw and dusty production, though that's mainly cause it was recorded live. Mind you, when I'm in the mood for it, it's like listening to an extremely powerful and noisy rock jam which really rocks. It does evoke a bit the prog rock trend with a flute solo, among other things. Recommended mainly to fans of Henry Cow and The Mothers of Invention's most avant moments, and maybe some free jazz.
Second composition, 'Slightly All the Time', announces The Machine's future albums (Fourth and Fifth), being heavily based on jazz with great saxophone playing courtesy of Elton Dean plus a great rhythm section, including a bass line that is similar to 'Tout de Suite' by Davis. The composition evolves a lot, from gentle paces to faster ones, from beautiful melodies and moods to more ferocious ones. Definitely an amazing construction, the first masterpiece on the album.
Third composition is 'Moon in June', a composition that has a huge fan base and I, after repeated listens, became to be part of it. It's the only track featuring vocals; these are from the one and only Robert Wyatt, the drummer of the band. A tad bit melancholic and psychedelic at first, but in the very middle of the tune it all becomes another Soft Machine rockin' jazzy jam with a solid performance of overlooked keyboard master, Mike Ratledge. The ending is pretty much noise, featuring backward playing and a noisy violin, but since already from the beginning the track seems to be very schizophrenic in mood, it fits really well. Odd at first, but very rewarding after various listens, it's undoubtedely Wyatt's vocal section that is the most enjoyable and unique.
Fourth composition, 'Out Bloody Rageous', is yet another incredible tune that is more akin to 'Slightly All the Time' in the jazzier aspect. But the highlight of this tune is not actually the jazzy playing, if not the five minute spacey intro which is pure bliss. Of course, the overall playing of the rest of the band in the rest of the composition is fantastic, great bass work and especially superb woodwind playing, as well as a really fine keyboard solo from Mike Ratledge. One of the band's greatest achievements.
No further comments other than my recommendation: Highly recommended if you're a jazz and fusion fan looking for something completely fresh, this may blow your mind, beware.
Yes, four different and mind-blowing compositions, which three of them I consider completely timeless, making as a whole a masterpiece, one of the various peaks of British rock/jazz, and definitely the Softs most creative effort.
Third is The Soft Machine's unique jazz style masterpiece, previously they released a psychedelic jazzy rock masterpiece (Vol. 2), and in future years they would release a fusion masterpiece (Bundles). What an amazing band.
01. Facelift (18:48)
02. Slightly All the Time (18:13)
03. Moon in June (19:07)
04. Out-Bloody-Rageous (19:11)
01. Out-Bloody-Rageous (11:57)
02. Facelift (11:22)
03. Esther's Nose Job (15:38)
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