Docker's Guild - The Heisenberg Diaries - Book A: Sounds Of Future Past (2015) (Lossless)
Исполнитель: Docker's Guild Страна: International Альбом: The Heisenberg Diaries - Book A: Sounds Of Future Past Жанр: Progressive Rock Издатель: Black Swan Records; Rock Company [VRCCD132016] Год: 2015 [2016] Формат: FLAC (*image + .cue,log, covers) Размер: 531Mb Залито: Depositfiles / Turbobit (3% на восстановление)
The Heisenberg Diaries:
01. Space: 1999 Year One - Main Theme 02. Flash Gordon Suite: a. Flash's Theme b. In The Space Capsule (The Love Theme) c. Football Fight d. Flash To Yhe Rescue e. Vultan's Theme (Attack Of The Hawkmen) f. Battle Theme g. The Hero 03. Barbarella 04. Suspension 05. When The Wind Blows 06. The Neverending Story 07. Red Dwarf Theme 08. The White Light / Echoes From The Past / Dying Station / Delenn's Sunrise 09. Doctor Who - Main Theme 10. UFO - Main Theme 11. The Black Hole - Main Theme 12. Space Patrol 13. Dune Suite: a. Prologue b. Main Title c. Leto's Theme d. The Floating Fat Man (The Baron) e. Paul Meets Chani f. Take My Hand 14. Space: 1999 Year Two - Main Theme
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