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» » Gentle Giant - The Missing Piece (Steven Wilson Remix) (2024)

Gentle Giant - The Missing Piece (Steven Wilson Remix) (2024)

Gentle Giant - The Missing Piece (Steven Wilson Remix) (2024)

Исполнитель: Gentle Giant
Альбом: The Missing Piece
Год выпуска: 1977/2024
Жанр: Progressive Rock
Страна: UK
Формат: mp3, CBR 320 kbps
Размер: 102 Mb
Залито: WdFiles, Turbobit

01. Two Weeks in Spain (3:00)
02. I'm Turning Around (3:54)
03. Betcha Thought We Couldn't Do It (2:20)
04. Who Do You Think You Are? (3:33)
05. Mountain Time (3:19)
06. As Old as You're Young (4:19)
07. Memories of Old Days (7:15)
08. Winning (4:12)
09. For Nobody (4:00)
10. Winning (Outtake) (3:31)

Line Up:
- Derek Shulman / lead vocals
- Gary Green / electric & acoustic (7) guitars
- Kerry Minnear / Hammond, piano & electric piano, synth (1,4,7), Minimoog (3,6,8), percussion (8), clavinet & backing vocals (6)
- Ray Shulman / bass, 12-string guitar (7), percussion (8)
- John Weathers / drums, tambourine, percussion, rhythm machine (8)

Скачать Gentle Giant - The Missing Piece (Steven Wilson Remix) (2024)

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