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» » Paul Revere & The Raiders - Here They Come! (1965)

Paul Revere & The Raiders - Here They Come! (1965)

Paul Revere & The Raiders - Here They Come! (1965)

Исполнитель: Paul Revere & The Raiders
Альбом: Here They Come!
Жанр: Rock
Год выпуска: 1965
Формат: MP3
Качество: 320 кбит/сек
Кол-во треков: 12
Размер RAR+3%: 81.61 mb


01. You Can't Sit Down
02. Money
03. Louie Louie
04. Do You Love Me
05. Big Boy Pete
06. Oo Poo Pah Doo
07. Sometimes
08. Gone
09. These Are Bad Times (For Me And My Baby)
10. Fever
11. Time Is On My Side
12. Kiss To Remember You By



1 пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ

forvardlk 3 мая 2011 08:42
Вот уж действительно редкая музыка : 01. Paul Revere & The Raiders – Paul Revere & The Raiders Vinyl, LP, Album - 1963 02. Paul Revere & The Raiders - In The Beginning (1963) 03. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Good Thing - 1967 04. Paul Revere & The Raiders - The Essential 2CD 05. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Special Edition - 1982 06. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 2000 07. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Ride To The Wall - 2001 08. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Ride To The Wall Volume II - 2005 09. Paul Revere & The Raiders –Rockin' WIth The Raiders - 2006 10. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Video Collection DVD 11. PAUL REVERE & THE RAIDERS VIDEO COLLECTION- 3 DVD SET У Кого есть? Сделайте доброе дело Выкладывайте!


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