The Maisonettes - Heartache Avenue: The Very Best Of The Maisonettes (2004)
Исполнитель: The Maisonettes Страна: UK Альбом: Heartache Avenue: The Very Best Of The Maisonettes Год выхода: 2004 Time: 01:04:31 Style: Pop Rock Формат: mp3 СBR 320 kbps Размер: 146 МБ (+3%)
Период творчества группы с 1982 по 1984г..
1. Heartache Avenue 2. Two Can Have A Party 3. Addicted 4. The Cowboy Song 5. Hot Club 6. Sticks And Stones 7. Lessons In Love 8. Nightmares 9. Cheat 10. Where I Stand 11. Roni Come Home 12. Daddy Didn't Know 13. Lifeboat 14. Last One To Know 15. Is That What Friends Are For 16. This Affair 17. Say It Again 18. Working For The Man 19. Heartache Avenue (Remix)
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