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» » The Perpetrators - The Perpetrators 2003

The Perpetrators - The Perpetrators 2003

The Perpetrators - The Perpetrators 2003

Исполнитель: The Perpetrators
Страна: USA
Альбом: The Perpetrators
Жанр: Blues Rock
Год выхода: 2003
Формат: MP3 CBR 192 kbs
Размер: 61.49 МБ


1. The Perpetrators - 12,000 Miles (3:36)
2. The Perpetrators - One More Day (2:50)
3. The Perpetrators - Crappy Job (6:23)
4. The Perpetrators - Look At You (3:51)
5. The Perpetrators - Hollywood (2:34)
6. The Perpetrators - 1/4 to 5 (3:25)
7. The Perpetrators - Stay Strong (3:01)
8. The Perpetrators - Toe Stub (1:24)
9. The Perpetrators - Garmonbozia (3:19)
10. The Perpetrators - Six Pack (4:01)
11. The Perpetrators - Malt Liquor (3:17)
12. The Perpetrators - Hate Song (5:35)
13. The Perpetrators - Bonus (0:38)

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