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» » Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band - Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band (2016)

Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band - Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band (2016)

Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band - Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band (2016)

Исполнитель: Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band
Страна: USA
Название: Sarah Spicer & The Automatic Blues Band
Жанр: Blues Rock
Год: 2016
Формат: MP3, CBR 320 kbps
Размер: 113 Mb
Залито: Depositfiles / Turbobit / Bezsms / File-space / Datafile


1. Down To The Wire (3:51)
2. On The Run (3:25)
3. Begin To Fade (1:37)
4. Holes In My Shoes (5:00)
5. Johnny Gain (4:59)
6. Devil In Disguise (3:41)
7. The Prisioner (3:22)
8. Justine (4:54)
9. Start All Over Again (3:10)
10. Shadows On The Wall (4:51)
11. Mr. Temptation (5:00)
12. On My Way (4:05)

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